
  • Schools & Colleges

    Our cost planners and estimators provide strategic advisory services to help clients precisely estimate and Quantify construction projects for future delivery of services in growing regions.


Our experienced cost planners and estimators provide strategic advisory services to help clients accurately estimate and quantify construction projects in growing regions. Bidkon delivers comprehensive construction lifecycle management services, supported by our quantity surveyors in Melbourne, to ensure finances, timelines, and resources are efficiently managed. We aim to implement the most cost-effective and environmentally sustainable solutions tailored to educational infrastructure.

With deep expertise in planning and execution, we understand the unique challenges of school and college construction projects. Our insights drive processes and procedures to identify and mitigate potential issues, ensuring the successful completion of projects within budget and on time.

Project Name : 1 BRIDGE STREET – KORUMBURRA ST   |    Architect : CROSIER SCOTT   |    Client : WHITEHART

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    Unit 3, Dyon Road,
    West Melbourne, VIC 3003,