
  • Change Order Management & Variation Assessment

    We focus on eliminating reasons for change orders increasing efficiency and increasing project profitability.


Change orders cause hindrance to the regular workflow and reduce the pace of work. This makes it essential to focus on preventing changes wherever possible or, at the very least, being conscious of the costs and minimizing their occurrence. At Bidkon, we focus on the changes and design activities that drive change. We document change events, categorize the underlying reasons, and create customized change event reports.

Through this categorization, we identify trends and take corrective actions. Supported by our quantity surveying services, we conduct comprehensive measurement of Bills of Quantities to provide an extensive and vibrant statement of the work to be executed, forming a strong basis for monetary control and precise cost reporting. We review variations independently or on an entire project or contract basis, and offer variation assessment and documentation for interim and final payments in agreement with the Conditions of Contract.

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    Unit 3, Dyon Road,
    West Melbourne, VIC 3003,